We may be test ninjas here at Ivy Lounge, but everyone has to start with the basics! This post will get you up to speed on the crucial foundational knowledge about the ACT, SAT I, and SAT II—so you can get on your way to an overall testing strategy!
The Right (AND WRONG) Ways to Use SAT Practice Tests
Real SAT practice tests are a finite resource. Let me explain why that matters…and how to make the most of the valuable practice tests you have!
2019-2020 SAT and ACT Test Dates
Wondering what the full schedule of test dates looks like for the SAT, SAT II Subject Tests, and ACT in 2019-2020? Wonder no longer.
Adversity Score No More: Meet the SAT "Landscape"!
Worried about the new SAT Adversity Score and how it affects your testing strategy? Well, here’s an update you need: it’s been replaced by a new College Board innovation that affects your college applications, but differently. Meet the Landscape…and let me brief you on what it is and what it means for you.
Summer's Over: It's Time to Get Serious About Studying Again
No matter what year you are in high school, if you're anything like my students, now is the time for a wake-up call: summer vacation is over...it's time to get serious about testing and the college process again! I'm breaking down the year ahead for every grade level!
What's New On The Common App 2019-2020
The Common App makes changes every year—some big, some small. This year, several of those changes affect user experience. Let me fill you in on what’s changing for the 2019-2020 application year and what’s staying the same—and then I’ll walk you through the Common App step by step!
What's the SAT Adversity Score?
If you follow testing and college-process news, you may have heard of the SAT’s new “Adversity Score.” But what is it, really? And how will it affect YOUR testing strategy? I’m breaking it down for you.
Kristina's Complete Guide To Subject Tests: How To Ace Your SAT IIs
This post is a complete guide to all of the resources I’ve got to help you ace your SAT II Subject Tests—from strategy to crucial content!
Is the College Board Going Down?
The College Board has had some high-profile problems in the last couple of years. So is this it for the SAT (and the SAT IIs…and AP exams…)? In my expert opinion, not even close—here’s why.
Understanding The Curve: Don't Pray For An Easy Test
Think an easy test means you can expect the score you want? Not necessarily. In fact, an easy test can make it harder to get the score you need! Let me explain.
The UPDATED Ivy Lounge Common App Resource Library
It’s time to get started on that Common App. Let me walk you through it from the very beginning: this updated roundup of my expert advice will take you from freaked out to finished!
The ACT’s New Extended Time Policies: What You Need To Know
The ACT is changing its policy on timing for National Extended Time students. I’m walking you through exactly what this means for you if it affects you—how it changes your test day and whether it changes your test choice.
Testing Timelines When You're Applying Early
Planning on applying early? You need to make a plan—like, today. Here are the guidelines and information you need!
So You Skipped the June SAT...Now What?
The June SAT date used to be an absolute must-take. New test dates mean that’s not true anymore…for SOME students. Which students have my blessing to skip the June SAT, and what should you do if you’ve already chosen to sit it out? I’m breaking it down.
The Ivy Lounge SAT II Literature Cheat Sheet
The SAT II Literature Subject Test is one I recommend to a lot of students—but it does cover a lot of content. Here’s my cheat sheet of literary terms.
The Complete IVY Lounge SAT II Math 1 and Math 2 Cheat Sheet
What could make my SAT II Math 1 and Math 2 study guides even more helpful? This COMPLETE Ivy Lounge SAT II Math Cheat Sheet!
Four Intentions Every High School Junior Needs
It's the beginning of a new year. Instead of setting the kind of goals that you'll quit on before February, high school juniors should set these intentions instead.
Common App Resource Round-Up: Kristina's Complete Guide
So your Common App isn't done yet...and the deadline is looming. No sweat: here's what you need to know to buckle down, beat the freak-out, and get it done the way that will get you in.
New ACT (& SAT) Dates: What They Mean For You!
New test dates are here, and this week I'm focusing on what this new development means for your ACT planning. Don't be caught off guard! There's a competitive advantage here for those who know how to find it.
New SAT (& ACT) Test Dates: What They Mean For You!
New test dates! Every move the College Board makes changes the way testing works. This week I'm going over the new SAT & ACT dates and how they affect your SAT strategy.