The first practice test for the new ACT just dropped. And it reveals a LOT of things we didn’t know about the new test. Read on for a section-by-section breakdown of what will be different come February/July.
Do you have to write the essay on the SAT or ACT?
Do you have to write the essay on the ACT or SAT? I’m usually here to tell you that skipping something you COULD use as an opportunity to shine is a mistake…but maybe not this time. Read on to find out if you’re one of the lucky ones who really CAN forget about writing the SAT Essay section or the ACT Writing component.
Why the Class of 2026 Needs to Start Their Test Prep NOW
The Class of 2026 is in a unique position when it comes to the ACT. In fact, current juniors need to start their test prep journey NOW, in fall of 2024. Read on to learn why.
ACT Changes: What Do They Mean for YOU? (Pt 3)
The ACT is changing in 2025-26. What should current Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen do about that? The final installment of our three-part series on the coming ACT overhaul gives you specific instructions according to your class year.
What's Staying the Same on the New ACT? (Pt 2)
The ACT is changing in big ways come 2025-26. But some things are staying the same. This post breaks down the 5 ways the ACT won't be changing. Part 2 of a 3-part series!
New ACT: The 8 Things that Will Change in 2025-26 (Pt 1)
Did you know that the ACT is about to undergo a massive transformation? To be specific, eight elements of this major standardized test will change in 2025-26. What’s going to be different? Read on to find out.
National Merit Scholar Finalist? You Can Still Take Either the SAT or ACT.
If you’re a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program, you used to have the SAT forced on you. But these days, you can now validate your qualifying PSAT score with an ACT score! Let me explain how that impacts the testing decisions of high-achieving students.
What matters most on a college application...if you're going test-optional?
So, you’re thinking about skipping the ACT or SAT because some (or even all!) of the schools on your list went test-optional during Covid-19. Before you actually commit to skipping, let’s take a look at how it affects the way the rest of your application is evaluated.
SAT and ACT: Strategy vs. Content Sections
Knowing which sections of the ACT and SAT are content sections and which are strategy sections will help you target your test prep, hit your score goals, and open the door to that dream school!
What's New on the Common App?: 2023-2024 edition
Can you feel the magic in the air? Today’s the day that the Common App officially opens for business! Some applicants may not realize that the Common App has changed since last year. Don't sweat if that's you—this week's free blog post is here to explain what's different, and how those differences should affect YOUR approach to the application.
How to Answer the Common App Question about COVID in 2023
The 2020-2021 Common Application features a brand-new question about your experience during the global COVID-19 pandemic. How do you approach that question? What should you say about your pandemic experience…and what SHOULDN’T you say? I’m breaking it down for you.
Affirmative Action Supreme Court Decision: Does the Class of 2025 Have to Take the SAT or ACT?
You’ve surely heard the huge college admissions news by now: no more race-conscious affirmative action. Considering this change, should the Class of 2025 and younger plan on taking the SAT and ACT?
How to get extended time on the SAT or ACT (if you really need it!)
Extended time can seem like something of a mystery…but having coached several students who REALLY needed it to successful accommodation of their needs by both testing bodies, I’m here to tell you that there are concrete ways to get what you need…if you REALLY need it. Just don’t wait ‘til junior year to get the process going.
When should you submit your SAT or ACT scores to a test optional school?
Should you submit your SAT or ACT scores to that test-optional school? Will they help you or hurt you? This is a particularly tricky question, and I’m here to walk you through three methods for making a strategic decision.
Does the Class of 2024 Need to Take the SAT or ACT?
So many parts of “normal” got put on hold during COVID, and college admissions were no exception. Many students in the high school classes of 2022 and 2023 got into college without taking the SAT or ACT because a lot colleges temporarily switched to Test Optional or Test Blind admissions. But now that the world has mostly opened back up again after the pandemic, does the Class of 2024 need to take standardized tests as part of their college admissions journey?
What to Know about the New, Digital SAT
BIG changes are underfoot for the SAT: the College Board just announced that the test will have gone completely digital by 2024. But what exactly does this mean for the composition of the test, its difficulty, and for YOU as a future SAT taker? This post explains it all in simple English.
New Changes to the Common App for 2021-2022!
The Common App is changing in some important ways for the 2021-2022 college application season. In this post, I break down every one of those changes for you. If you're a class of '22 high schooler (or beyond), this is your one-stop guide to the coming year's Common App.
Does the Class of 2023 Need to Take the SAT or ACT?
Lots of things looked different for the 2020-21 college application cycle—including the fact that many more colleges than usual went Test Blind (didn't accept SAT/ACT scores) or Test Optional (allowed applicants to opt out of submitting scores). But will these COVID-specific policies still be in effect next year? If you’re in the class of 2023, read on for answers to this question, and my specific advice to rising Juniors on this front.
How Does the New ACT Superscore Report Affect You?
In April, the ACT introduced a new report that students can use to send their ACT Superscores to colleges. What is Superscoring, anyways—and what does the new reporting method mean for YOUR college application?
How to Choose Which College to Attend After You're Accepted
College Decision Day is just around the corner. If you’re a high school senior who got into more than one of your dream schools, committing to just one of them in early May might be a stressful prospect! But I’m here to take the pressure off. In this post, I spell out exactly what your next steps are for making this crucial choice.