What's the Common App? How does it affect you? How do you approach it successfully? Get your guide to the Common App, and some of my best tips, right here.
SAT II Failproof Study Plan: Literature
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The 3 ACT Changes You Need to Know About Before the September Test
What!? There are changes to the ACT, too???
Yep. And it’s come to my attention that not everyone who’s signed up for the September 12, 2015 ACT test knows about the 3 important changes that directly impact what score you’ll get on test day!
Why is this? I’m not totally sure. Perhaps some tutoring companies are lazy or don’t do their research? I mean, it IS hard to miss. You’d have to scour the ACTstudent.org website and countless test prep blogs and belong to tutoring and educational professional groups — like I do — in order the stay abreast of the news. And everybody has their hands full with staying on top of the Redesigned SAT that’s rolling out this Spring!
So, yes, there are ACT changes.
And these changes will be rolled out over the course of the next year or so. Most do not affect how you actually take the test — a lot has to do with reporting. So, do not concern yourself right now with the new way the scores are displayed, the new scores you’ll receive (like the STEM score, which will really only be the sum of your Math and Science scores) or that you’ll soon be able to take the ACT completely on a computer. They aren’t all happening yet. (And the ones that are have to do with reporting, not test-taking.)
However, as a test-taker, you only need to prepare for 3 changes right now.
And as your favorite test prep expert, I’m happy to walk you through them. If you know any Seniors who are about to take the ACT in September or Fall, please help them out and send them this article so they can quickly and efficiently prep for the test without slogging through the extraneous haze of information overload out there!
ACT Change #1: The ACT essay is totally different.
Instead of reading about an issue and improvising three reasons in favor of your point of view, you will now be required to:
- Evaluate 3 different perspectives on an issue,
- Create your own conclusion/perspective about how to handle the issue, and
- Relate your own perspective back to the 3 that you already analyzed.
Okay, that sounds like a mouthful, and it is. However, if you think about it, you’ll be asked to do this for every essay from September on, so you already know how to organize your essay. You basically have to complete the three specific tasks that they asked of you — with your own analysis, good grammar, varied sentence structure, vivid examples, and elevated vocab.
Here’s the sample that’s posted on the ACTstudent.org website:
ACT Change #2: The ACT Reading section now has a Double Passage.
I know this sounds like I just turned off the Taylor Swift in the middle of your birthday party, but this change really isn’t as bad as you think. The reason? Unlike the SAT’s double passage that sent most of your friends screaming to the ACT in the first place, the ACT does a great job of organizing this double passage to where it’s actually MUCH more efficient and time-saving for you as a test-taker!
What do I mean? Well, here’s what I know for sure:
- There will only be 1 double passage on the test.
- It will be one of the non-fiction passages.
So it’ll either be Social Science, Humanities, or Natural Science. In other words, you’ll only have to deal with it on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th passages. But only one of those.
- They already organize the questions for you!!!!
The ACT actually divides the questions into three sections, the first about Passage 1 only, the second about Passage 2 only, and the third about both passages together. That’s the order you need to be reading them in anyway, and there’s no guesswork! No scrambling to see if you’ve read enough to answer a particular question.
ACT Change #3: The ACT Science section only has 6 Passages.
So, this was not a change that I read about or that I noticed an announcement about. However, through coaching my own students and studying the April 2015 and June 2015 ACT tests, I saw this trend, and I think it will stick.
Right now, you’re used to having 7 passages on the Science section, which gives you approximately 5 minutes per passage. This has been a huge issue for most students, simply for the timing issue that creates. After all, it takes a while to digest the prompt before answering the questions, and then quickly switching gears every five minutes. (Sedimentary rock layers? Genetics? Nitrogen levels by temperature and longitude in different types of bog soil?!?!?! Make it STOP!!!)
The new Science section breaks down its passages like this:
- 2 Charts and Graphs passages, each with 6 questions
- 3 Experiments passages, each with 7 questions
- 1 “Fighting Scientist” reading passage, still with 7 questions
The main difference? The ACT took away one of the Charts and Graphs passages, and then it gave you an extra question in each of the remaining Charts and Graphs passages and in the 3 Experiments passages.
Interesting things to note are:
- You now have more time per passage! 5:50 per passage, as opposed to the original 5 minutes per passage.
- Over half the Science questions are based on Experiments passages (21 out of 40).
- Charts and Graphs has fewer questions (12 out of 40, as opposed to the original 15 out of 40).
- Fighting Scientists remains the same (7 out of 40).
So that’s what you have to look forward to! If you really think about it, most of the changes work out in your favor, timing-wise and organization-wise. However, I understand how shell-shocked you’d be if you weren’t prepared and walked into the testing center cold turkey, so I wanted to give you fair warning.
You’re welcome.
And remember, if you know any Seniors who are about to take the test this Fall, please do them a huge favor and pass this onto them. Sharing is caring 😉
6 Easy Steps to Get Into College
Whether you’re about to begin your Junior year of high school or you’re only a Sophomore or Freshman and have considerably more time, I want to give you a quick landscape of the major steps to get into college that you need to take.
My intention here is that if you know what the crucial milestones are, you can methodically work to knock them off your list one at a time and not be a total anxiety-ridden stress case! I’ve gone ahead and listed them in chronological order, though some steps may be ongoing and thus overlap with other steps.
Moreover, I’ve tried my best to provide an ideal timeline of when you should be doing each step and about how long it takes. Keep in mind that “ideal timelines” may of course vary depending on where you are right now and your personal strengths and weaknesses. With my private clients, I can tailor this process to the perfectly bespoke little black dress of college admissions prep timelines—go here for an Ace the Test: Game Plan. However, if I do not know you personally, realize that you may have to adjust the dates just a modicum to apply perfectly to you.
Step #1: SAT I or ACT
Unless you are specifically researching colleges that don’t require standardized tests, you are going to have to take either the SAT I Reasoning Test or the ACT. (To find out which one, either go here or click on the cute teal pop-up in the bottom right of your screen.)
You are going to need to brush up on your math, grammar, reading comprehension, vocab and essay-writing abilities for both tests.
For the ACT, you should also brush up on interpreting charts and graphs and basic scientific method facts for the Science section. (NOTE: If you’re currently a Sophomore, you’ll need this skill too, regardless of which test you take, since you’ll be choosing between the ACT and the Revised SAT.)
August before Junior year, if not before: Start reviewing content weekly.
January/February of Junior year: Focus on taking mock and practice tests (between 4-6) and going over them.
March/April of Junior year: Take first SAT/ACT for real.
May: SAT attempt #2
June: ACT attempt #2
Fall of Senior year: Attempt #3 if needed.
Step #2: SAT II Subject Tests (Depends on School)
Depending on the schools on your college short list, you may be off the hook for SAT II Subject Tests. Or, if you are applying to Harvard, you may need 3 of them! Each college has its specifications, so make sure you do your research and write them down. (Need help? An Ace the Test: Game Plan will do it for you!)
May/June of Sophomore year: If you are taking any classes that would aptly prepare you for a Subject Test, go ahead and take it. Give yourself about 2 months’ study time, and pick the test date that is as close to your final exam for the class as possible.
June of Junior year: Take another 1-2 Subject Tests in subjects that correlate to classes you are taking.
Fall of Senior year: If you still need to take more subject tests or improve a score, take them after you have secured the SAT I or ACT score you desire.
Step #3: College Visits
You want to make sure you get a feel for the type of academic environments ideal to your growth and development before you craft your entire testing timeline around them!
June/July between Sophomore and Junior years: Try to do some of your college visits at this time to set your testing targets and complete all your requirements in a mellow, stress-free manner.
June/July between Junior and Senior years: Do the rest of your college visits at this time.
Step #4: College Application Process: The Activity List
This is where you break-down all of your passions, interests, community involvements, leadership positions, extra-curricular activities, jobs, volunteerism, sports, and talents so that the people in the admissions office know a) what you have to bring to the table at their institution and b) how exactly you’ve spent your time the past four years. This is where you have the ability to explain some odd-ball hobbies and interests that make you YOU (competitive Pokemon, anyone?). This is also where you get to demonstrate the actual number of hours you have devoted to your passions and the depth to which you have ventured to explore them.
July/August between Junior and Senior years: Start keeping a running tab of your activities, denoting the description, length of time you were involved, hours per week, leadership positions and notable accomplishments.
November 1st: This is the beginning of early decision application deadlines.
January 1st: Most regular decision deadlines are due around this time.
Step #5: College Application Process: Common App Essay
Formerly called the Personal Statement, you’ll use this essay for the Common App but can tweak it for applications that are NOT on the Common App, too. This is the main college entrance essay you will write that will give the readers in your dream school’s admissions office a glimpse into you, your hopes and dreams, your mind, your life, your accomplishments, your character, and your essence. All in under 650 impeccably-written words! Have fun!
July/August between Junior and Senior years: Start brainstorming and ideally have your first draft done before school starts.
November 1st: This is the beginning of early decision application deadlines.
January 1st: Most regular decision deadlines are due around this time.
Step #6: College Application Process: Supplemental Essays (Depends on School)
As delineated by the admission requirements of your particular dream schools, you very well may have additional “essays” to write and include in your application. I say “essays” with quotation marks, because some are incredibly brief, like describing yourself in 5 words. Stanford University has a supplemental essay like that. In fact, Stanford has 10 supplemental essays! (Don’t worry, they’re not all mammoth.)
August 1st: The Common App opens. You will be able to look up your list of colleges and compile all the supplemental essays you have to write. Please plan ahead before you start typing away – can one essay for one school be marginally tweaked and reused for another supplemental essay? Let’s be a little pragmatic, shall we?
November 1st: This is the beginning of early decision application deadlines.
January 1st: Most regular decision deadlines are due around this time.
So, yes, this DOES seem like a lot, and you may be wondering how I dared to claim these were “6 Easy-Peasy Steps”… But seriously, if you take a long-range look at these, there are a few tests, a few trips, and a few essays that just need to happen at a few designated times. If you start doing what you can during Sophomore year and the beginning of Junior year, you will be sitting very pretty by the time those acceptance letters start rolling in.
I hope this was able to ease some of your high school stress and help you plan. Remember that though I’m able to offer this one-size-fits-most information for free, you can get more tailor-made advice by working with me. And if you found this helpful, please do me a huge favor and pass it on to 3 of your friends!
The 4 Best Ways To Improve Your Vocab: Part IV
Vocab Hack #4: Supplement With The Tried And True
The last installment of my 4-part Vocab Hack Series is a list of the more traditional tutor-approved methods for increasing vocabulary. These might not be as much fun as the other methods, but I would be remiss to leave them out. For your sanity, you probably only want to try one of them…
Try a Vocab-building book:
My favorite vocabulary book – if you are a fan of straight-up learning vocab – is Hotwords for the SAT by Barron’s. The reason I prescribe this book so often is that it manages to teach 500 SAT vocabulary words by “clumping” them together into 32 or so clusters of words.
The idea is that instead of learning 1 word + 1 definition (= 2 things to memorize) for every word you learn, you instead learn 1 definition + a group of 12+ words that have that basic definition.
Thus, to learn a dozen vocab words the old way, you’d need to learn 12 words + their 12 meanings = 24 things to remember. The Hotwords way, you would only need to remember the 12 words + 1 definition they all have in common = only 13 things to remember.
See how much time that saves? In addition, you will surely know some of the words in each cluster, so you end up using the words you know as an anchor to remember the other words that are new. Super easy peasy.
Try a Vocab-building website:
If you’re more into on-line stuff, there is a plethora of newly created resources out there, and I have known some students to have success with Quizlet. Check it out, and if that’s not your style, Google “vocab games” and you’ll surely find something else worthwhile.
Get back to Latin:
Latin roots, that is. You can find a standard list of roots, prefixes and suffixes in the back of most test-prep books, or for free if you Google. You will instinctively know several already, and the ones you know will anchor the new ones.
And last but not least, for whatever reason, some students really love the feeling of completion that comes with flashcards. My advice? If you go this route, separate your cards into three piles: those you totally know already, those that might as well be Greek (or Japanese, if you, like me, ARE Greek), and those you kinda feel you should know but don’t.
- The first pile: place somewhere conspicuous in your room, like on your nightstand or near your desk. This makes it appear as if you are actively learning vocab words and the ‘rents tend to like this.
- The Greek pile: put back in the box and abandon on the bookshelf. If you get exceedingly bored of Dawson’s Creek, you can take these out at a later date.
- The middle-of-the-road pile is the low-hanging fruit that will take the least amount of effort to turn into usable knowledge. LEARN THESE FIRST. Then add them to the first pile of words you know.
And on that note, you should be all set to rapidly expand your vocab and rack up tons of extra point on the SAT and ACT! And remember, if you found this at all helpful, do me a HUGE favor and tell three of your friends!
The 4 Best Ways To Improve Your Vocab: Part III
Vocab Hack #3: Watch Smarter TV and Movies
Let me tell you a little story. When I was your age, living in Dallas, Texas, I woke up one morning at the beginning of sophomore year and decided I wasn’t going to consume any culture that wasn’t “productive”. In fact, I was convinced most books, shows, and movies were designed to make the masses dumber, so I tried to steer clear of anything that could potentially compromise my life’s Grand Plan.
I spent the next three years driving my friends and classmates crazy, refusing to read fiction, watch TV or see mainstream movies. At the time, there were only two independent movie theatres in town – the UA Cine and the Inwood Theatre – and each only ever showed two movies concurrently. I think I saw everything from The Red Violin to Existenz and Happiness. Some were whoppers, but my self-righteousness persisted.
Jump cut to now. I happily watch the likes of Vampire Diaries, Revenge, The Mindy Project, Glee, even reruns of MIOBI. And I discovered something shocking: Not All TV Is Bad! In fact, you if must spend time in front of the “boob tube”, I have discovered the singular most vocabulary-boosting show that will quench your thirst for teen melodrama:
I am soooo not joking here. After missing the show when it first aired out of intellectual snobbery, I recently decided to make up for lost time. First of all, I was shocked at how eloquent and self-expressive the main characters are. And just to test my hypothesis, I watched the majority of Season 2 with a pen and paper in hand only to discover that some episodes utilized up to 37 SAT-level vocabulary words! Not shabby for 43 minutes of indulgence.
So get thee to a Netflix account and introduce yourself to Dawson, Joey, Jen and Pacey!!
The 4 Best Ways To Improve Your Vocab: Part II
Vocab Hack #2: Scout Out Smarter Reads
The best best BEST way to increase your vocabulary is to consume a lot of high quality reads. By “high quality”, you’re probably thinking about enduring the classics that you’re forced to read anyway for school, and you’re probably wondering if you should leave your screen right now to bang your head against a wall!
Please calm yourself ;) I’ll admit, I never got past page 41 of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, try as I did. (Let’s not even talk about Anna Karenina or Crime and Punishment … thank GOD for Cliffnotes and Sparknotes!)
However, not all reading material is excruciating. The trick is to find things that ACTUALLY interest you. And the best way to do this is by reading NON-FICTION. The next major advantage of consuming non-fiction is that you’re priming yourself for the SAT and ACT, both of which are composed of approximately 75% non-fiction passages. Get used to them now, and you’ll be totally fine on D-Day. Whoops. I meant Test Day.
So what types of things can you read, especially if you don’t like to read?
Start small. Try newspaper and magazine articles geared for people a few years older than you are.
- Like fashion? Read Elle Magazine cover to cover. Especially the Ask E. Jean column, which tends to use colorful language like “driven witless” and “whipsawed by confusion.”
- Like music? Read your favorite artist’s exposé in Rolling Stone or Spin.
- If you like a variety of things, like theatre, sports, local news, travel and food, try the New Yorker, and read whatever you’d like! Or the New York Times, where several staff writers there are the Real Deal and have highly regarded books of their own.
- Into politics? Make it a point to read high quality articles like those online in the Huffington Post or the Guardian, a well-written British newspaper. Try perusing headlines and settling down on two inviting articles to read start to finish every week.
If you want to delve deeper into reading, graduate from non-fiction articles to non-fiction or memoire books about a topic with which you are fascinated.
- Perhaps something funny? Try comedic authors David Sedaris or Tina Fey.
- Want something insightful? Try anything by Malcolm Gladwell. I especially loved Blink and Outliers. Not only will the vocab soon become ingrained and more familiar, but there are two added benefits to these books: 1) You can read these books one chapter at a time without forgetting the point, as each segment tends to bring up an entirely new example, and 2) the statistics and scientific studies Gladwell brings up are AMAZING for essay examples!!!
- Are you into art/music/theatre/sports? Try a biography of your favorite actress, musician, director, basketball player, etc. Again, public figures make for killer essay examples.
- By any chance are you obsessed with psychology/personality/astrology like I was (and still am)? Go to your favorite Barnes & Noble and look up Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs or Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey. Basically, anything that categorizes people into “types” or signs or whatever is a GOLDMINE for personality-describing adjectives. Being able to psychoanalyze anyone and anything is super handy for dissecting the tone and attitudes of otherwise VANILLA reading passages. And this will also come in handy when it’s Personal Statement time ;)
The 4 Best Ways To Improve Your Vocab: Part I
Unless you are one of the few in high school who completely escapes the daily grind with enviably high-brow literature that makes your English teacher weep with joy, you probably are somewhere in the “trying to grow your vocab” phase of life. This period of several years is necessary to transition from ‘tween words and phrases like, “I don’t wanna!” to more sophisticated means of expression, like “Given the undeniable circumstances of the situation, I prefer to refrain.” (I’m only half joking here. I knew people in high school who actually talked like that, at least between more colorful words ;)
Basically, you’re growing up, and your vocabulary needs to grow up, too. And preferably ASAP, since you have standardized tests like the SAT and ACT coming up, and you NEED to nail those sentence completions and reading passages!
So, like most Test Prep Gurus and tutors, I do have some clichéd advice to expand your diction. And I would never hold out on the tried and true methods, no matter how hackneyed and BOOOORING they might seem…
BUT! – keep reading! – I know a few more ways to get the job done that I think you, my darlings, would much rather prefer! So in this 4-part series, I’m here to enlighten, and hopefully make your quest to raise your SAT Critical Reading and ACT Reading scores considerably more fun!
Let’s start with the easiest:
Vocab Hack #1: Surround Yourself With Smarter Peeps
By “smarter”, I don’t necessarily mean you should ditch your crew if they aren’t up to snuff. However, maybe you should consider adding some variety to your social circles. This could be as simple as befriending upper classmen or chatting with your parent’s friends and your older relatives when you get the chance. Maybe, just maybe, instead of shying away from crazy surgeon Uncle Andy, ask him about the grossest thing he’s ever seen on the operating table or why he prefers Fleetwood Mac to the Beatles.
Basically, partake in adult conversations with actual adults. Bonus points if Tina Fey is your close family friend.
Very likely, you will begin to uncover more sophisticated ways of expressing yourself and hear some higher-echelon vocab in context and start to feel comfortable with it.
As a side benefit, you may just find yourself becoming more emotionally mature and perhaps even collecting cool stories about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that can come in handy as a “personal experience” essay example!
Q&A: When should I take my first real SAT?
Q: Hey, Kristina,
I am currently ending my Sophomore year in high school. I have a lot of friends who are Juniors and Seniors, and I’ve seen them get totally freaked out about the whole college and SAT thing. It seems like a LOT to take on. Some friends tell me to get the tests over with as soon as possible, since there are so many other things to do, like Subject tests and application essays and keeping up grades. Should I spend this summer cramming and take the SAT this October or November? When should I take my first real SAT?
– Already Overwhelmed Rising Junior
A: Dear Overwhelmed,
First of all, thank you for writing in to ask this. I get this question all the time from insanely bright and precocious students, so the fact that you are contemplating taking the SAT during the Fall of your Junior year only bodes well. :)
It’s clear you’re already thinking ahead to a “3 Year Plan”, which means you have more “executive function” than most gals your age – heck! – maybe even more than Emily Thorne from Revenge! (In case you’re curious, “executive function” is introspective psychobabble for having insight to see the big picture of what needs to get done in a complex situation, and then breaking said complex situation down into smaller actions and mentally organizing them so they actually get DONE. The complex situation in question could be getting into college, planning a stellar birthday bash, or taking down the Grayson’s.)
I’m glad you have friends who have gone down the college route before you, so you know it’s no joke! That said, you should be incredibly strategic about when you take your first real test, whether it be the SAT or the ACT. (If you don't know which test to take, click here to get your free Pre-Tutoring Guide.) It’s not just a Saturday (or a Sunday if you observe the Sabbath) out of your social calendar that’s at stake – it’s the weeks and months of prep time culminating to that Saturday morning. You want to make sure you are harnessing your time, energy and mental focus so that your performance peaks when you have the best chances of nabbing that fantastic score. You want the stars to align! And you don’t want to do anything to psych yourself out.
That said, I highly discourage you from taking the test for the first time during the Fall of your Junior year. Do you have any idea why…? It has to do with statistics…
You see, the SAT and ACT are graded on a bell curve, meaning that there is a “standard distribution” of the scores. That’s stat’s speak meaning that you basically ARE competing with the slew of students who take the test the same day as you. The College Board or ACT Board take a peek at how EVERYONE did that day, and use their findings to determine how many raw score points you need to get a 700 or a 32. And since this is a standardized thing, colleges don’t care if you were competing with geniuses or doofuses that day – they just care about your 2200. Make sense?
Thus, if you take the test in October, against whom do you think you’re competing?? That’s right! EVERY FREAKIN’ SENIOR WHO’S EVER WALKED THE EARTH. They are all taking the test their 2nd or 3rd time, vying for a higher score to seal the deal on their dream schools.
Do you really want to compete on the bell curve against thousands of students who not only have an extra year of schooling under their belts, but also have had multiple practices taking the test? I thought so…
November would probably be just as bad, since Seniors can still take this test for early decision schools.
December is full of regular decision Seniors.
January is somewhat of a crap-shoot – the desks could be filled with slacker Seniors who are treating this as their last “hail Mary” before having to turn in their college apps regular or rolling decision, or it could be filled with idiot savant Juniors who would get a 2400 or a 36 without a tutor and thus, not be effected by a testing curve anyway. (They’d just ruin the curve for you!)
Your best bet? TAKE THE TEST IN MARCH at the very earliest. This gives you the majority of the year to study little by little, not feel rushed, and also, to compete with people your own age and level of expertise – fellow Juniors. In addition, you know you have May, June and the Fall of Senior year as backup SAT test dates, and April, June, and the Fall for backup ACT test dates, so there’s no pressure…
Wait - you didn’t expect to take the test only once, did you? ;)
So, even though this information didn't cost you a cent, it's not free. If you found this at all helpful, do me a HUGE favor and share this with 3 of your friends who can benefit! :)